Write for
Viaggio Magazine

Are you a passionate writer, photographer or traveller?
People and their differences make the world go round. That’s why, at Viaggio Mag, we want to make sure our stories are told from as many different perspectives as possible. We’re always looking for contributors to help our readers explore the globe, be it through words or photos. If this is something that interests you, then read on, and write for us!

We are always looking for
submissions in the following formats:
Destination Guides and Itineraries
Our destination guides aim to give readers an overall picture of each location. Make sure to include aspects such as: places to eat and stay; what to see; where to take in the nicest view; spots that only the locals know about. Try to veer away from the well-trodden tourist trails and talk about your personal experience, too.
Photo Journals
You don’t have to own the fanciest camera equipment to be a good photographer. All you need is a keen eye for detail – and a steady hand! If you have a series of photos which perfectly capture a place or experience you’ve had, send them to us, accompanied by a 300-500 word descriptive piece. These can be taken on a film camera, SLR, or digitally.
Stories and Travel Tales
Has a particular experience ever changed you, or shaped your life in some way? Did you meet someone along the way who altered the way you see that place? We want to hear your stories: the places and the people that made you.

More Details
If any of the above options inspire you, then pitch your idea to info@viaggiomagazine.com with the subject heading SUBMISSION.
Tell us what you want to write about and why! Whilst we will try to get back to you as soon as possible, please note that not all submissions can be published. If possible, try to make sure you have at least 6 of your own pictures to accompany your post! If your idea is chosen, we’ll send you a writing guide to help you structure your piece.
Please note also that, sadly, we do not offer any financial remuneration for submissions: you will, however, be entirely credited in the article itself.
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